In the land of the seeing

blind Lady Justice is Queen
I have created many defense teams and supervised lawyers, legal
officers, case managers, etc.
I am the manager of an International Association and I preside and
supervise 250 members from all over the world concerning war crimes,
genocides, and human rights.
I have trained several national and international counsels.
I have pleaded and still plead in front of International Courts.
I have accomplished confidential missions concerning crime scenes and
Prosecution matters.
I have a high skill in cross-examining witnesses (for victims and
I finalize all the paper works and submissions in both my offices.
I offer strategies for pending legal cases, and write consultations in
this regard.
National Experience
Since 1990 until now
General Director and Founding Partner at Khalil's Law Office.
Attorney at Law in Civil, Penal, Criminal, Corporate, Banking,
Administrative, Financial, Personal Status, Real estate, Rental,
Commercial Property, Contractual, Mediation, Arbitration,
Trademarks, Counterfeit, Expertise, Franchising, Human Rights,
Detention, Children, Corruption, Abuse of safety, Collusion,
Deviation of evidence, Environmental, Abnormal neighborhood
disturbances, International, Labor, employees, and Consulting Laws.
Printed many books, legal works, and articles on different topics. I
have also written two legal works, one entitled "Les troubles
anormaux de voisinage en droit comparé" published in 2006 by Dar al
adala, and one entitled "Les dommages des boîtes de nuit, des
établissements classés et des restaurants", published in 2012 by
Editions de l'Orient, Paris. I also wrote the draft law: "Code
Libanais de Voisinage", which was submitted to the Ministry of
Justice in 2010.

2012 until 2016
STATE LAWYER before the Council of State appointed by Presidential Decree no. 9878/2013 and acted in that capacity defending the Ministries and the Government.
Since 1990 until now
Member of many Committees in Bar Association of Beirut and lecturer at the Bar. Wrote numerous articles published in the quarterly legal journal Al Adel, and in particular one relating to the STL, entitled "Le Tribunal spécial pour le Liban, une justice garantie ou une garantie justiciable".
International Experience

- International contracts / Human rights / Cybercrime / Criminal Law / Global Terrorism / State conflicts / Arbitration in Civil and penal Law / Coordination with Lawyers in Italy, France, Amsterdam, New York, Geneva, Dubai, Arbil.
- Admitted to the list of Counsels of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon in 2012 in Holland. Assigned to and still protects the interests and rights of the accused Mr Hassan Merhi since 2013 before the STL and who was acquitted by Trial Chamber.
- Counsel of Generals Mostafa Hamdan and Raymond Azar for their unlawful detentions for a period of four years by UN and IIIC.
- Counsel for Lebanese Deportees Vs. Kuwait.
- Delisted three terrorists from the list of Al Quaeda before UN.
- President of the International Association to Confront Coronavirus and Global Violations Officials (IACCO)
- Legal Advisor of the Dutch International Organisation of Human Rights and World Peace,
- Former President of the Defense Committee in the Bar Association in front of the International Criminal Court, The Hague (2019) - Member of its Newsletter Committee since (2018) - Member of its Executive Counsil since (2020).
- Admitted since 2015 on the list Counsels of the Tribunals: ICC / ADC-ICT / Former Yugoslavia / / Kosovo Specialist Chambers / Central Africa
International Training and Seminars Certificates
Date | Description | Location |
2014 | ICC Training for counsels. | Dakkar, Senegal |
2014 | Training counsels in ADC-ICT. | The Hague |
2015 | International Bar Association.. | Peace Palace, The Hague |
2015 | Meeting international Defense Counsels / Humanitarian Dialogue Led by Lebanese Government. | Geneva |
March 2017 | Examination in Chief and cross-examination. | ICTY |
April 2017 | Investigations in Trials. | Mariott Hotel |
2018 | Military witnesses. | ICTY |
14-15 Oct 2008 | Certificate for training "Legal Aid - A Pillar of Justice". | USAID/ Beirut Bar Association |
26-27-28 Jun 2012 | Certificat de Participation à la formation des conseils. | TSL / Leidschendam |
2019 | Nuremberg Trial Room 600. | Germany |
2019 | STL : Meeting Defense Counsels. | Leidschendam |
12-13 July 2012 | Certificate of Training session on "The Universal Periodic Review". | Beirut Bar Association |
March-April 2013 | Certificate of intensive course on Human Rights (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung). | Beirut Bar Association |
26 Sept 2014 | Expert Training : Professional Ethics and Disciplinary Proceedings at International Criminal Tribunals. | I.C.C. - The Hague |
27 Oct 2014 | Certificat premier Seminaire sous-regional des conseils de la CPI et de la profession juridique. | Dakkar, Senagal |
28-29-30-31 Oct 2014 | Certificat de formation des conseils de la CPI. | Dakkar, Senegal |
8 Nov 2014 | Training Certificate in the ADC-ICTY on "Ethics". | The Hague |
31 June- 1 Feb 2015 | Certificate from International Bar Association for "Continuing Professional Development". | Peace Palace, The Hague |
18 Sept 2015 | Certificate of Expert Training : Evidence Matters. | I.C.C. - The Hague |
22-23 Oct 2015 | Certificat de participation aux troisièmes Rencontres Internationales des Bureaux de la Défense. | Université de Genève, Suisse |
24-25 Oct 2015 | International Conference for "Information and Culture of Humanitarian Dialogue". | Geneva, Switzerland |
27-28-29 Juin 2016 | Certificat "Séances de Formation Spécialiséedes Conseils". | La Haye |
18 March 2017 | Certificate of Practising Advocacy (examination in chief and cross ex.) with DrDavid Garlick. | ICTY - The Hague |
29 April 2017 | Defence Training Program on investigations and other relevant matters to defence lawyer practicing at ICC. | Mariott Hotel, The Hague |
2018 | Seminar held for the military witnesses (Stephan Bourgon) | ICTY |
22 - 26 March 2021 | Training for Counsels on the List before ICC. | Online |
License in Lebanese Law
Master's degree in French Law
Sciences Experimentales Baccalaureate
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